Spring Workshops and Group Classes
Posted on 5/14/2014
Hi Everyone,
Weather is finally getting nice and I can't believe it is May already.
I hope you are all doing well.
I just want to let you know about upcoming events and schedule with Four directions Healing arts.
We have two upcoming workshops On May 17th this Saturday.
First workshop is that Sol fitness with the combination of Yoga and Qi Gong First hour will be a yoga class
Second hour will be primordial Qi Gong.
From 10 to 12pm Cost is $40 before the workshop $50 day of.
Second workshop will be at Yoga Loka 2 hr Qi Gong workshop I will be teaching Shen Dien Qi Gong 1-3pm
From 10 to 12pm Cost is $40 before the workshop $50 day of.
Second workshop will be at Yoga Loka 2 hr Qi Gong workshop I will be teaching Shen Dien Qi Gong 1-3pm
Cost before workshop $30 day of $36.
There will be two more workshops in June at Sol Fitness. 1130 to 1:30 PM
There will be two more workshops in June at Sol Fitness. 1130 to 1:30 PM
June 7th Will be 18 movements Tai Chi/Qi Gong. $40 before $50 day of workshop
June 14th I will be the combination of Yoga and Primordial Qi Gong. $40 before $50 day of workshop
I will be also teaching a series of group classes at Sol fitness. ( www.solfitnessreno.com )
If you've never been to Sol fitness the first week is free and after is a $15 drop in.
If you've never been to Sol fitness the first week is free and after is a $15 drop in.
Tuesday 7 AM Tai Chi/Qi Gong.
Tuesday 8 AM TRX / Bosu circuit training.
Wednesday 530 pm TRX/Bosu circuit training.
Wednesday 630pm Tai Chi/Qi Gong.
I will be teaching a Friday group class at Yoga Loka (www.yogalokareno.com)
Wednesday 530 pm TRX/Bosu circuit training.
Wednesday 630pm Tai Chi/Qi Gong.
I will be teaching a Friday group class at Yoga Loka (www.yogalokareno.com)
11 AM Shen Dien Qi Gong
Six weeks $91 (Drop ins $18)
Six weeks $91 (Drop ins $18)
May 23 to June 27.
If you're interested in any of these events please let me know space is limited to 10 to 15 people.
Health and happiness