Posted on 2/28/2015
1. Avocados
2. Sweet corn
3. Pineapple
4. Cabbage
5. Sweet peas (frozen)
6. Onions
7. Asparagus
8. Mangos
9. Papyas
10. Kiwi
11. Eggplant
12. Grapefruit
13. Cantaloupe
14. Cauliflower
15. Sweet potatoes
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Posted on 12/17/2014
Workshop January 7th 1:45-4:45pm. Group Classes Fridays January 9th-February 13th 11am -12pm.
Shen Dien Qi Gong is the basic beginner form of Qi (Chi) Gong or energy training. These simple exercises strengthen the physical body, open the twelve energy meridians and clear emotions.
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Posted on 11/6/2014
If something great is to be, it is up to me.
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Posted on 10/30/2014
Shen Dien Qi Gong is the basic beginner form of Qi Gong or energy training
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Posted on 10/21/2014
There was once a time when all human beings were gods, but they so abused their gifts that the chief, decided to take it away from them and hide it where it could never be found.
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Posted on 10/7/2014
Names and order of 18 movements part 1 & 2
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Posted on 10/5/2014
11 Benefits of practicing Qi Gong
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Posted on 9/8/2014
Tai Chi/Qi Gong is one of the most popular styles of qi gong around the world because it is effective and easy to learn. It is derived from thousands of years of Chinese experience in the healing arts and sciences, based on traditional Chinese medicine, yin/yang and meridian theory. It is a powerful way of healing and staying healthy. Some of the benefits of this form include: Increased Qi (life force), improved blood circulation, speedy recovery from illness and surgery, strength- ens tendons, ligaments & joints, strengthens the immune system, improves sleeping functions.
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Posted on 7/30/2014
Tai Chi/Qi Gong is one of the most popular styles of qi gong around the world because it is effective and easy to learn. It is derived from thousands of years of Chinese experience in the healing arts and sciences, based on traditional Chinese medicine, yin/yang and meridian theory. It is a powerful way of healing and staying healthy.
Learn Tai Chi/ Qi Gong 18 movements part 1&2
2 hr workshop(Sept27th) and 6 week group classes of 18 movement part 1(Oct 3-Nov-7th)
2 hr workshop(Nov 8th) and 6 week group classes of 18 movement part 2 Nov 14th-Dec 19th)
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Posted on 7/30/2014
Tai Chi Qi Gong 18 Movements notes part 1
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Posted on 6/28/2014
The 18 Movements Tai Chi/Qi Gong is gentle series of Qi Gong movements that serve to restore and rebuild our internal foundation, providing us the tools to support our self-healing and health restoration.
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Posted on 5/14/2014
Weather is finally getting nice and I can't believe it is May already.
I hope you are all doing well.
I just want to let you know about upcoming events and schedule with Four directions Healing arts.
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Posted on 5/10/2014
Primordial Qi Gong is the basic beginner form of Qi Gong or energy training. This gentle daily practice works efficiently to improve mental and physical health. These simple exercises strengthen the physical body, open the twelve energy meridians and clear emotions.
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Posted on 5/8/2014
18 Movements Tai Chi/Qi Gong is one of the most popular styles of Qi Gong around the world because it is effective and easy to learn. It is derived from thousands of years of Chinese experience in the healing arts and sciences, based on traditional Chinese medicine, yin/yang and meridian theory.
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Posted on 5/1/2014
This workshop will start with one hour of Yoga taught be Tanya James Owner of Sol Fitness and second hour Qi Gong with Justin Nielsen Founder of Four Directions Healing arts. I will be teaching Primordial Qi Gong.
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Posted on 5/1/2014
Group Tai Chi / Qi Gong is based on the Taoist- system of internal exercise and healing arts to promote longevity and health.
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Posted on 4/7/2014
Shen Dien Qi Gong is the beginning form of Qi Gong or energy train- ing. These simple yet powerful exercises strengthen the physical body, open the twelve energy meridians and clear emotions. The exercises also cleanse and restore health to each of the major organs, reverse aging, improve the immune system, and increase intuitive abilities.
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Posted on 2/12/2014
Group Tai Chi / Qi Gong is based on the Taoist- system of internal exercise and healing arts to promote longevity and health.
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Posted on 2/10/2014
Tai Chi/Qi Gong is gentle series of movements that serve to restore and rebuild our internal foundation, providing us the tools to support our self-healing and health restoration.Tai Chi/Qi Gong are intended for any health level and was designed as a rehabilitative sequence of movements, supporting your return to health and vitality in a gentle and effective way.
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Posted on 9/20/2013
Primordial Qi Gong is the beggining form of Qi Gong or energy training. This gentle daily practice works efficiently to improve mental and physical health. These simple exercises strengthen the physical body, open the twelve energy meridians and clear emotions. Class will cover an introduction to Qi Gong theory, health benefits of Qi Gong and internal Qi movement. Learn to coordinate breath, movement and mind. This powerful set of exercises cleanses, restores health to each of the major organs, reverses aging, improves the immune system, and increases intuitive abilities and emotions.
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Posted on 9/15/2013
Primordial Qi Gong is the basic beginner form of Qi Gong or energy training. This gentle daily practice works efficiently to improve mental and physical health. These simple exercises strengthen the physical body, open the twelve energy meridians and clear emotions. Class will cover an introduction to Qi Gong theory, health benefits of Qi Gong and internal Qi movement. Learn to coordinate breath, movement and mind. This powerful set of exercises cleanses, restores health to each of the major organs, reverses aging, improves the immune system, and increases intuitive abilities.
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Posted on 9/3/2013
Classes Monday 3:15pm and Thursdays 10:45am 9-9-13 to 12-16-13
Qi (Energy), in regard to our health, means life force or vital energy. Gong means work or technique. Qi Gong is a self-healing art that trains the mind to recycle the negative energy (toxins, stress etc.) and replenish with a more positive balanced connection to yourself and understanding of what is needed for healing.
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Posted on 3/22/2013
36 Benefits of Practicing Qi Gong
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Posted on 2/22/2013
The alignment of your body is key, especially when exercising, weather it’s working out in a gym moving weights or having a smooth flowing Tai Chi or Qi Gong practice. It’s very important to be aware of your alinement and how you move with it. Here are a few tip on alinement .
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Posted on 2/5/2013
There are 4 different types of gluten responses.
Sensitivity - reaction to wheat
Allergy - immune response
Intolerance - unable to tolerate (this is long term effects, and excessive stress to the intestinal track.)
Celiac Disease- this is a genetic intolerance
(long time damage to intestinal track, the nervous system, the hormones, liver, blood system, muscle/skeletal system) 1 in 150 people have Celiac disease and only half or less are diagnosed.
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Posted on 1/9/2013
By drinking bone broth you can increase your collagen therefore reducing signs of aging. Bone broth helps with digestion, absorption and healing the gut. Bone broth heals your joint,tendons,ligaments and arteries. Bone broth helps get the toxins out. There are visible benefits. It makes your hair, skin, and nails sexy.
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Posted on 12/13/2012
Up coming Classes and Workshops
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Posted on 12/13/2012
Organic products are higher in nutrient levels and are lower in toxicity.
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Posted on 8/24/2012
Qi Gong is a Chinese style of energy building exercise designed to bring the body mind and spirit together as one.
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Posted on 8/24/2012
Qi Gong Basics and Stress Management Techniques
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Posted on 8/22/2012
This is a guided still meditation practice a work out for the mind by setting up the blind date.
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Posted on 8/22/2012
Energy balancing exercise is a type of exercise where you’re working inward to manage the stress and recycle the toxins out of the body and mind.
This will help you connect with the nature within to slowing down the mental whirlpool and finding the stillness, its your quiet time to heal yourself in whatever is needed.
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Posted on 6/16/2012
I recently listened to a underground wellness podcast by Todd Durkin that was extremely inspiring to me. It was about eliminating head trash to get your mind and heart in the right place to get committed and passionate about what you do.
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Posted on 6/11/2012
This was a teaching that was shared with me about the face.There are 5 main elements of ones face that help to connect one to their inner most beauty.
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Posted on 5/3/2012
Justin's story of healing from within
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